When I got to Tanzania, I found out that it was actually almost illegal to take any pictures, and that most the people didn't like to be photographed unless you paid them. Therefore we could only really take pictures: on Joy in the Harvest property, very quickly without anyone noticing, or when there was nobody around.
As Donna and Neil and I were taking our dirt road shortcut between town and the Guest Houses, I took the opportunity of the path being empty to have Donna take a jumping picture of me. The scenery of Kigoma was beautiful, and I wasn't about to go back to China without any pictures of it! As I was taking my jumping picture a group of five kids came up from the houses along the path. One little girl held a baby brother half her size on her hip. They crowded behind Donna and Neil and quietly peaked around their waists as I counted "one-two-three" and Jumped into the air. They whispered to each other smiling. I must have been quite a site.
When I had finished my jumping picture I looked at them and, motioning for them to join in, asked if they wanted to take a picture too. Four of the kids eagerly ran forward. I got us all lined up across the path, and we practiced counting to three and then jumping. We did it a few times, and thanks to the fast action shuttering of my Nikon D60 (love it!) and the amazing ability of the kids to jump at the same time (my basketball girls could take a tutorial from them) I ended up with this picture, which has become one of my favorites of the trip.